以海巴戟(Morinda citrifolia L.)种子为试材,在不剥除种皮的情况下,在MS无激素培养基上播种1年内未见发芽,在剥除种皮的情况下,在MS无激素培养基上发芽率最高,50d内可达75%。海巴戟子叶和下胚轴均能单独由细胞分裂素BA0.7~2.0mg/L诱导不定芽发生,不定芽可直接从外植体发生,也可从愈伤组织发生,添加生长素NAA0.05~0.1mg/L则完全抑制不定芽发生,同时强烈促进愈伤组织生长和不定根发生。带芽茎段在BA1.5mg/L配合低浓度生长素时均能通过腋芽萌发和不定芽发生而增殖。芽梢在NAA0.1mg/L、IBA0.1mg/L或IAA0.1mg/L均有根群发生,但NAA0.1mg/L诱导生根时切口愈伤组织较多,部分不定根由愈伤组织发生。而IAA0.1mg/L诱导生根时根群欠发达,以IBA0.1mg/L最佳。
The germination of seeds of Noni with whole seedcoat incubated on MS medium did not be observed within one year after the inoculation, but seeds without seedcoat germinated quickly within 50 days on various media. Cotyledons and hypocotyls of Noni showed the ability to regenerate adventitious buds direct from explants or from callus when inoculated on MS media with BA 0.7- 2.0 mg/L only,and NAA 0.05-0.1 mg/L inhibited adventitious bud regenerating completely but enhanced intensively adventitious root regenerating. Shoots multiplied by axillary bud germinating and adventitious bud differentiating when stem sections with axillary buds were cultured on media containing BA 1.5 mg/L and some auxins in low concentration.Adven- titious roots were induced by NAA 0.1 mg/L,IBA 0.1 mg/L or IAA 0.1 mg/L, and the best rooting medium was MS + IRA 0.1 mg/L.
Natural Product Research and Development