1The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of ideos, Fontana Press, 1990, p.1-2. 被引量:1
2The History of Ideos, An Introduction, New York,1969, p. 3. 被引量:1
3"Some Problems of Intellectual History",收入, Studies in Intellectuol History, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1953, p.3-21. 被引量:1
4Frederick J. Teggart, "A Problem in the History of Ideas" (Journol of the History of Ideas [以下简称JHI]Oct., 1940). 被引量:1
5Harold A. Taylor, "Further Reflections on the History Ideas"( The Journol of Philosophy,May. 27, 1943). 被引量:1
6Roy Harvey Pearce, "A Note on Method in the History of Ideas" (Journol of the History of Ideas, Jun., 1948). 被引量:1
7Franklin L. Baumer, "Intellectual History and Its Problem" ( The Jounal of Modern Hisotory,Sep., 1949). 被引量:1
8Rush Welter, "The History of Ideas in America:An Essay in Redefinition": John C.Greene, "Objectives and Methods in Intellectual History" ( The Mississippi Volley Historicol Review, Jun.,1957). 被引量:1
9Philip P. Wiener,"Some Problems and Methods in the History of Ideas" (Journol of the History of Ideas, Oct. - Dec.,1961 ). 被引量:1
10George Boas, "Bias and the History ot Ideas"(Journol of the History of Ideas, Jul. - Sep., 1964). 被引量:1