Quantum information system is fragile to be disturbed by the external environment. Quantum switching architecture is one of the promising schemes for transferring input quantum data to its destination port substituted for fully connected quantum networks. Since at present, interactions between the qubits are limited to a small number of neighboring qubits, one novel approach was extended, and the improved architecture was further demonstrated under limited nonlocal operation. The performance evaluation shows that the whole architecture with improved control module can achieve a time complexity of O(n^2) and will be more feasible for physical realization.
Quantum information system is fragile to be disturbed by the external environment. Quantum switching architecture is one of the promising schemes for transferring input quantum data to its destination port substituted for fully connected quantum networks. Since at present, interactions between the qubits are limited to a small number of neighboring qubits, one novel approach was extended, and the improved architecture was further demonstrated under limited nonlocal operation. The performance evaluation shows that the whole architecture with improved control module can achieve a time complexity of O(n^2) and will be more feasible for physical realization.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (60433050, 60274025).