1.57μm波长激光为人眼安全波长激光。将KTP晶体置于一个由LD端面泵浦、声光调Q的Nd:YVO4晶体双凹谐振腔内,利用KTP表面镀膜建立了内腔式OPO,实现了重复率在5~40 kHz范围内1.57μm脉冲激光的稳定输出。实验结果表明,激光的阈值将随声光调Q器重复率的增加而升高,重复率为5 kHz时得到最低阈值1.52 W。重复率为15 kHz、泵浦功率为3.7 W时,输出光平均功率为305 mW,脉冲宽度50 ns,峰值功率400 W。
1.57 pan eye-safe laser is experimentally realized by using an intracavity optical parametric oscillator (OPO) pumped by a diode-end-pumped, acousto-opticaUy(A-O) Q-switched Nd:YVO4 laser. Stable pulsed output with repetition rate ranging from 5 to 40 kHz is obtained. The laser threshold increases with increasing repetition rate of Q-switching and the lowest threshold of 1.52 W is obtained at a 5 kHz repetition rate. A stable laser output with an average power of 305 mW, a peak power of 400 W, and a pulse width of 50 ns is achieved at a diode pumping power of 3.7 W and a repetition rate of 15 kHz.
Infrared and Laser Engineering