AIM: To investigate the method of obtaining and culturing human embryonic neural stem cells (NSC). METHODS: The experiment was conducted at Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chongqing University of Medical Sciences from September 2003 to December 2004. Abortus aged 7-12 week were collected from drug induced abortion in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing University of Medical Sciences and Chongqing Health Center for Woman and Child. The sample were consented to use in scientific research by donator. ① Primary NSC were isolated, cultured and purified from embryo brain cortex, and the cells were passaged repeatedly in vitro in order to culture the NSC for long period. ② The technique of immunochemistry was employed to detect special expressive antigen of NSC. ③The effect of different number of planted NSC on proliferation of NSC was observed. The feature of its growth was analyzed and growth curve was drawn. ④Cell proliferation was conducted with suspended cell culture method; Biological characteristics of NSC was observed after recovering from cryopreservation. RESULTS: ①Growth characteristics of human embryonic NSC in vitro: NSC isolated from the 7-12 weeks embryonic cerebral cortex could survive in vitro for long period. The total number of NSC increased 200 folds after 15 passages. ②Effect of NSC concentration on proliferation: The NSC planted at the concentration of 1 ×10^5 L^-1 or 1 ×10^7 L^-1 in vitro could maintain single layer even culture for 30 days, when NSC were planted at the concentration of 1×10^9 L^-1, some small spherical colonies associated with several cells were observed suspending in the media after 12 hours culture. ③ The capability of self-renewal of NSC: The single cell proliferated into small spherical clone consisting of 2-4 cells after 24-48 hours culture, and the small clone developed into large spherical clone consisting of hundred of cells. ④ Expression of nestin antigen: The spherical clone nestin immunologic cell staining showed positi
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation