
语音信号的加权mel倒谱分析 被引量:4

Weighted mel-cepstrum for speech analysis
摘要 本文利用人耳的感知特性,提出了加权mel倒谱系数,并建立了相应的分析算法。实验结果表明,该系数不仅能够准确地刻画说话人声道的短时特征,还能用来重建出高质量的语音。因此加权mel倒谱分析不仅能够应用于语音识别和说话人识别,还能应用于语音编码和参数合成。 Based on auditory properties, the weighted mel-cepstral cocfficients (WMCC) are proposed along with the corresponding analysis method. Experiments show that not only the WMCC can represent the short-time characteristics of vocal of speakers, but also can be used for synthesizing the high-quality speech. Therefore the weighted mel-cepstral analysis can be applied to speech recognition, speaker identification, speech coding and parametric synthesis of speech.
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期840-843,共4页 Journal of Signal Processing
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(60275014) 重点项目(60433030)
关键词 听觉特性 语音信号倒谱分析 语音分析合成 auditory properties cepstral analysis of speech signal analysis-by-synthesis of speech
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