Alyeska had developed or used three major modes in the construction: conventional burial, special burial, and above ground modes. Conventional burial depths of the pipeline top vary from 0.9 to 2.7 m in accommodation to topography, but not soil conditions. Circulating coolant system and/or thermosyphons were equipped for the special burial at the animal passage sections where the pipeline has to be bur fed. The above ground mode include the pile bent and above ground gravel berms. The later was used only when the pipeline dips into ground and comes out of the ground. The elevated pile bent uses the vertical support member (VSM), with or without thermosyphons. During the initial planning and design pha ses, the owner companies, the Trans Alyeska Pipeline System (TAPS), and later Alyeska Pipeline Service Company (APSC), staunchly demanded 100% burial. However, with the progress of survey and elaboration of designs, the construction modes had been changing all the time. When the construction was completed in 1977, only 57% of pipeline was buried, and some experienced engineers prefer 53% of burial after 30 years of operations. The "reasons" for the changes of construction modes include: 1) that they had to change in order to get the permit to cross Federal lands; 2) they performed actual field investigations and participated in the development of the detailed engineering; and 3) National Environmental Polity'Act (NEPA). Alyeska was the agent for the seven oil companies, and uncharacteristically, be cause of the size and costs of the project, the oil companies' engineers individually participated to an unusual extent. In this paper, the authors present the organizational history of Alyeska and the US Federal and Alaska State governments as regards to the construction of the Alyeska Oil Pipeline, the process how the design was evolved and the reasons and the philosophy behind them, and experiences and lessons learned from the Alyeska project.
Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
Supported by Third Term Knowledge Innovation Project of Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Re-search Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences"Assessment of and Adaptation to Cli matic and Environmental Changesin Cold and Arid Northern Part of Northeastern China",and hinese Academy of Sciences 100 Talents Program"Stability of Linear Engineering Foundations in Cold Regions under a Warming Cli mate".
Alyeska Pipeline
change of design
construction modes
experiences and lessons learned