对引种的黑松进行了育苗和多点造林试验,从生长和抗逆性上进行了观测。苗期试验表明,黑松苗期在小陇山林区适应性强,苗期保存率高于油松,苗期生长表现与油松差异不显著,2年生苗木平均地径0.61 cm,平均苗高16.30 cm。多点造林试验表明,黑松适应小陇山林区的气候、立地条件,抗鼠害能力比油松强,造林成活率和保存率比油松高,幼林生长表现与油松差异不显著。8年生黑松林分平均胸径3.20 cm,平均高2.98 m。引种获得成功,丰富了小陇山林区营造生态公益林的种质资源。
The paper conducted breeding and afforestation trial of introduced Pinus thunbergii and made its growth and resistance observation. The result of seedling trial indicated: in Xiaolongshan forest area, Pinus thunbergii has strong adaptability, seedling saving rate is higher than that of Pinus tabulaeformis and there is no significant difference between both trees" growth trait, the average tree height and basal diameter are 16.30cm and 0.61 cm of 2-year-old seedling of Pinus thunbergii. The result of afforestation trial in various site showed: P/nus thunbergii adapts to the climate and site condition of Xiaolongshan forest area, and its adaptability of anti-rat damage, survival rate and saving rate are higher than Pinus tabulaeformis, but there is no significant difference in growth characteristics of young Pinus thunbergii forest. The average diameter of breast height and tree height are 3.20 cm and 2.98 m of 8-year-old Pinus thunbergii forest. The introduction obtained success and enriched the germplasm of ecological public forest in Xiaolongshan forest area.
Journal of Gansu Forestry Science and Technology
Pinus thunbergii
introduction trial
breeding and afforestation
phenology observation
growth increment