位于云南省西南部的永德大雪山国家级自然保护区总面积17 541hm2,为自然生态系统类别中的森林生态系统类型的自然保护区,生物多样性丰富,森林覆盖率93.08%。分析了保护区实施社区共管的意义、目前所采取的措施,提出社区共管应进一步采取的措施:建立和完善社区共管机构、加强宣教工作、开展多种经营及加强社区基本建设。
Situated in southwestern part of Yunnan province, Daxueshan National Nature Reserve in Yongde County with area of 17, 541 hm^2 belongs to forest ecosystem type, which is rich in biodiversity and its forest coverage is 93.08 %. The paper presents the significance for implementing community co - management and current measures adopted. It also suggests further available measures for co- management, such as establishing organizations for corranunity co- management, enhancing educational work, developing multi - operation and fundamental construction.
Forest Inventory and Planning