
沈从文的小说创作及其外来影响——以《长河》为例 被引量:1

The Fictions by SHEN Cong-wen and the Exotic Influence Upon Them
摘要 抗日战争时期,在西南联大的沈从文创作了文学生涯中最后一部长篇小说《长河》。沈从文在作品中综合了自己对于“边城”世界各方面的生活体验,又调动了各种艺术才能和叙事试验,写出了留在记忆里的湘西世界的独特的生活样式和社会演变;同时他还在作品中表现了历史与现实的“永恒与流变”、书写了美好的人性和对民族精神的思考。从中不难看出,《长河》的创作明显受到来自国外的影响,主要是弗洛伊德精神分析学说、孔德的实证主义哲学和西方现代主义文学的影响。 During the anti -Japanese war, SHEN Cong- wen, who was in Xinanlianda University, completed the composition of his last novel, ChangHe(The Long River). SHEN Cong - wen both incorperated his living experience from the world of "remoteness " into his literature works and mobilized a variety of artistic talents and narrative methods, having written out the living pattern in the West Xiang (the west of Hunan province), which is a kind of both "the permanent and the drifting", and meantime having expressed his perception towards the human nature and national spirit. From that, it is not difficult for us to see that the witting of ChangHe was greatly influence upon exotically, mainly by the theory of psycho - analysis, the positivism and the western literary realism.
作者 杨绍军
出处 《学术探索》 2006年第6期114-119,共6页 Academic Exploration
关键词 沈从文 小说创作 外来影响 《长河》 SHEN Cong - wen fiction composition exotic influence ChangHe
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