Objective To find out the epidcmiological dynamics of brucellosis and to provide scicntific evidence for formulating prevention and control measures in the future. Method Epidcmiological and clinical data of seven patients with clinically diagnosed brucellosis were analyzed. The level of erum antibody to brucella was mcasured using serological method, and the bacteria were identified using microbiological method. Result Of the seven patients, two (28.57%) were Guangzhou citizens and the other five (71.43%) came from other places in the country. Three patients (42.86%) were males and the other four (57.14%) were females. All seven patients belong to the age group of 20-60 years. In terms of occupational distribution, one (14.29%) was a laboratory technician, three (42.86%) were employed in livestock slaughter and sales, and the remaining three were housewife, businessman and freelance driver. With respect to the mode of transmission, 85.71% had direct or indirect contact with animals and animal products through livestock slaughtering and sales, processing and consuming of lamb and sheep placenta and indulging in roadside barbecued beef and lamb balls. 14.29% were acquired from the laboratory. In vitro agglutination test showed that two cases had a titer of 1:400, three had a titcr of 1:800 and another three had a titcr of 1:1600. Bacterial analysis revealed that two patients were infected by brucella suis type 4, and another two were infected by brucella mclitcnsis type 3. The bacterial strains isolated from the remaining three patients were not idcntified. All of the seven patients were cured after treatment. Conclusion Training in diagnosis of brucellosis should be given to medical staff. Treatment should be given to the patients before the progression of the disease into the chronic stage.
Journal of Tropical Medicine