目的研究前交通动脉复合体(anterior communicating artery complex,ACoAC)及其毗邻结构的显微解剖特点,为该区域的手术提供显微解剖数据。方法在10例(20侧)成人头颅标本上,分别在不同的视角下对ACoAC及其发出的穿支动脉进行解剖观察;取出整脑后对ACoAC各部分直径、长度进行测量、拍照,所得数据用SPSS10.0软件进行统计分析。结果10例(20侧半球)共有20支大脑前动脉。双侧ACA-A1段长度和直径比较未见显著性差异。ACA-A1段后下壁发出许多穿支血管。前交通动脉形态变异很多均发出穿支血管,分别供应下丘脑、视交叉、胼胝体膝部等。Heubner回返动脉是ACoAC发出的最粗大的穿支血管,其起源、行程变异很大。ACoAC发出很多供应视交叉及视神经的穿支血管,他们大多来自ACA-A1段。结论①双侧ACA-A1段发育多不对称,可能与前交通动脉瘤的发生有关。ACA-A1段均发出重要的穿支血管,手术时应仔细加以分辨、保护。ACoA形态变异很大,但与ACA-A1段发育不良关系不大。②Heubner回返动脉起源和形态变异很大。③OC和ON的血液供应有上、下两个起源。
Objective To study the microanatomy of anterior communicating artery complex (ACoAC) and important adjoining constitution for supplying anatomical data of operating approach. Method The anatomy of ACoAC and its perforating branches were studied in 15 adult cadaver brains after the heads were disscected in the microsoape. The diameter and length of the parts of ACoAC were measured, and photographes were taken with a digital camera after the entire brains were taken out, The outcomes were analyzed with spss10.0 software, Results Anterior cerebral artery (ACA) was found in each cerebral hemisphere. The difference of hibateral ACA AI segment diameter and length was not significant, A lot of pedo rating branches arose from the inferoposterior wall ot ACA, and the shape of ACoA varied. Its perforating branches supplied hypothalamus, OC and genu of corpus callosum, et al. The recurrent artery ol Heubner(RAH) was the thickest perforating branches of ACoAC, its original location and course varied mucho Many perforating branches arose from ACoAC(especial ACA - AI segment) went to superior OC and ON, named superior artery of OC. Conclusions ①The growth of hibateral ACA A1 segment was dissymmetry commonly. The hypoplasia of ACA A1 segment may be highly correlative with the ACoA aneurysm. ACA A1 segment sent out a lot of important perlorating branches. The shape of ACoA varied much, which may be poorly correlative with the hypoplasia of ACA AI segment.②The origin and shape of RAH varied much.③The blood supply of OC and ON came from two origins, superior group arteries and interior group arteries.
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anterior communicating artery complex