Objective To investigate HIV prevalence among STD patients and analyze their clinical characteristics, Methods Under HIV voluntary counseling and testing,412 diagnosed STD patients were detected for HIV 1/2 antibody; clinical characteristics of those STD patients with HIV were analyzed, Results HIV positive rate was 2.9% among 412 STD patients. HIV positive rate was 6.2 %, 4.2 %, 3.4 %, 1.5 % and 1.0 % among patients with condyloma acuminata, genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrbea and nongonococcal urethritis, respectively, 83.3 % of the STD patients with HIV had multiple sexual partners. Commercial sexual behaviors were common and condom use rates were very low among the STD patients with HIV, The patients with HIV and condyloma acuminatum or genital herpes relapsed frequently. One patient with HIV and syphilis developed neurosyphilis in 6 months, Conclusion Patients with STD were important HIV high-risk population, and unsafe sexual behaviors were the major factor for contracting HIV/STD. Therefore, it is important to strengthen HIV surveillance among STD patients. Frequent relapses in patients with condyloma acuminatum or genital herpes and rapid progress in patients with syphilis may provide a clue to suspect the possibility of co-intection with HIV.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD