
基于自适应r进制回退的IEEE 802.11性能改进

Performance Improvement for IEEE 802.11 Based onAdaptive r Exponential Backoff
摘要 IEEE802.11采用基于二进制指数回退算法(BEB)的DCF作为其基本的媒体接入控制协议(MAC)。但研究表明,在该DCF机制下,当节点数目迅速增加时,系统吞吐量急剧降低,严重影响网络性能。提出了一种根据竞争节点数目调整退避指数r的方案以改进DCF性能,仿真结果表明,改进后的DCF能使系统性能有较大的提高。 IEEES02.11 using binary exponential backoff algorithm(BEB) as its basic MAC protocol.But during our re search,we find that the system throughput deteriorated greatly when the number of competing stations grew rapidly.In this paper,we propose a new method in which the competing stations can adapt their backoff exponent to the channel conditions,and the simulation results show that our new method can improve the system performance.
作者 田锐 徐火生
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第34期133-136,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 IEEE 802.11 DCF 系统吞吐量 BEB r进制 IEEE 802.11 DCF system throught r exponential
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