The lower limb varicosity is periphery the blood vessel common disease, the traditional surgery way is uses greatly hides the vein top digit to tie up levies exorbitant taxes the technique or the tune open the vein technique to remove the tune open the vein primarily. In recent years along with the technical unceasing progress, more and more many advanced technologies is applied in the medicine domain, uses for to improve the medical quality, reduces the patient pain. Includes develops micro creates the treatment lower limb varicosity, the method of treatment has in the cavity in the laser treatment, the cavity the radio frequency treatment, the tune open the vein to turn on lathe cuts the treatment, the electricity congeals the therapy and so on.
The semiconductor laser volume small, the weight light, the reliability high, the transfer efficiency high, the power loss low, simply actuates the power source, to be able the direct-frequency modulation, the use safe, its application domain to be extremely widespread.
China Medical Device Information
Lower Limb Vein, Surgery Way, Semiconductor Laser