本文通过对国内外政府投资项目投资控制理论、现状的调查分析,参考大量专家、学者对政府投资项目投资控制的研究成果,并结合政府投资项目的特点,针对政府投资项目投资控制的难点、重点,提出应用Pontryagine model进行政府投资项目投资控制的方法,这对于目前的政府投资项目投资控制研究和应用具有重要的启迪作用和现实意义。通过在政府投资项目的投资控制中应用Pontryagine model,引入投资流的概念,最后本文得到结论通过对政府投资项目投资流的控制可以得到最优投资控制结果,并且得出了最优投资流的数学表达式,从而为政府投资项目的前馈控制创造了条件。
Cost control of government investment projects attracts more attentions from the public and scholars. Some mathematical methods had been introduced into cost control, such as factors analysis method, hierarchical analysis method, etc. This paper introduces the concept of cash flow and builds an optimal control model under some hypotheses to study cost control of government investment projects and then solve the model using pontryagin minimum theory. We illustrates the validity of the method through an example which shows that not only the total cost is less in the optimized investment plan than the original's, but also cash flow needed by the project is more steady, and both of them facilitate the implement of the project.
Chinese Agricul Tural Mechanization