
居民参与农地保护的认知程度及支付意愿研究——以湖北省为例 被引量:20

Residents Awareness and Willingness to Pay for Preserving Agricultural Land in Hubei Province
摘要 本文在调查分析湖北省武汉、宜昌、荆门、仙桃、汉川5市县1255户居民家庭对农地保护认知程度及支付意愿的基础上,对湖北省农地非市场价值进行了估算。研究表明随着农地保护意识的增强,78.09%受访居民已经意识到农地资源非市场价值的存在,91.79%的受访居民认为所在地目前需要加强农地保护工作,83.82%的受访居民愿意以捐资或参加义务劳动的方式参与农地保护;从居民家庭参与农地保护的支付意愿出发,湖北省居民每年保护农地的支付意愿总价值达572574.59万元,折合单位公顷农地非市场价值为13081.90元。文章提出组建农地保护的民间平台,增强公众监管机制;增设农地保护专项补贴政策,激励农民保护农地的积极性;界定基本农田保护的价值内涵,建立区域基本农田保护补偿机制等相关政策建议。 In this paper, using the contingent valuation method (CVM) and according to the result of statistical analyze of 1255 effectual questionnaires to evaluate the non - market value of agricultural land in Hubei province. And several conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, it is showed that the residents have knowing the non - market value of cultivated land base with the increasing of agricultural land protection cognitions in Hubei province, almost 83. 82% of respondents willingness to pay for preserving agricultural land. Secondly , according to the residents willingness to pay for protecting local cultivated land, the total value of residents willingness to protect cultivated land reaches 572574.59 ten thousand RMB Yuan per year, per hectare agricultural land's non - market value is almost 13081. 90 RMB Yuan in Hubei province. Some suggestions for rational preservation and utilization of agricultural land were put forward. These actions are to improve the supervision mechanism for preserving agricultural land, to set up agricultural land protection fund, to analyses the value of basic farmlands and to put forward to form compensation mechanism for preserve agricultural land. At the end of this paper, the author discusses some issues which come from the valuation methods and the limits of data, points out the future work for this research.
出处 《中国农村观察》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期31-39,共9页 China Rural Survey
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70273012 70373054) 教育部哲学与社会科学重大课题攻关项目(04JZD0008) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-04-0738)资助课题。
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