OPC(OLE for process control)作为一种工业标准,提供了硬件设备的统一“驱动”,极大的简化了软件与硬件之间的通讯编程。NI最新推出的LabVIEW8.0的DSC(dataloggingand supervisory control)模块进一步加强与简化了与OPCServer的通讯,而且其自身也可以作为一个OPC Server存在。介绍了如何通过LabVIEW 8.0 DSC模块与OPC Server进行通讯以及如何用它编写自己的OPC Server。
OPC (OLE for process control) is a kind of industrial standard which supplies a kind of uniform "driver" to hardware. So it extremely simplifies the programming for the communication between hardware and software. The DSC module of LabVIEW 8.0 which is the latest version of LabVIEW enhances and simplifies the communication with OPC sever. Besides, it can also build its own OPC Server. How to commtmicate with OPC Server and how to build OPC Server based on LabVIEW 8.0 DSC module are described.
Computer Engineering and Design