用表达禽流感病毒血凝素HA抗原的重组质粒pCAGGoptiHA5 100μg免疫SPF鸡,用流式细胞仪检测鸡体内CD8+T细胞的动态变化。一次免疫后,免疫组外周血中CD8+T淋巴细胞数目逐渐上升,并于第3周达到峰值,在二次免疫后,SPF鸡体内CD8+T细胞数量上升速率明显高于初免时上升速率,并于第二次免疫后2周达到一个峰值,攻毒后,二次免疫的SPF鸡外周血中CD8+T淋巴细胞数量略有上升,但上升幅度不大,2周时检测发现其下降幅度明显低于一次免疫组。而阴性对照组SPF鸡外周血中CD8+T淋巴细胞的数目则无明显变化,但在攻毒后其外周血中CD8+T淋巴细胞数量也呈上升趋势,但未达到免疫组的水平,并且在1周内全部死亡。结果表明,pCAGGopti-HA5 DNA疫苗质粒可诱导有效的细胞免疫应答。
SPF chickens were immunized with 100 μg DNA plasmid pCAGGoptiHA5, which encoding HA gene of AIV, and the CD8^+T lymphocytes were detected by flow cytometer. In the first immunization, the amount of CD8^+T lymphocytes in SPF chickens increased gradually and reached the peak three weeks after immunization. After challenge, the amount increased rapidly on three days, and maintained in a steady level in one week and then decreased to a low level in the next week. In the boost immunization, the increased speed of CD8^+T lymphocytes numbers are higher then that after first immunization, and reached the second peak on fourteen days later after boosting. After challenge, the number of CD8^+T lymphocytes increased slightly, and the decreased range is also lower than that in the first immunization two weeks after challenge. The amount of CD8^+T lymphocytes in control chickens hardly had no changes,but it had increasing trend after challenge, and all the control chickens died within one week after challenge. It demonstrated that HA gene vaccine pCAGGoptiHA5 could induce cellular immune responses successfully.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine