目的观察降纤酶对进展性脑卒中的疗效。方法72例进展性脑卒中患者,采用随机、双盲、安慰剂对照研究。所有病例静滴降纤酶(烟台北方公司)10 u加入生理盐水250 mL中,隔日1次,用3次,用前测血浆纤维蛋白原(Fbg)。以欧洲脑卒中评分标准作疗效评估指标。结果治疗组(A组)35例,安慰剂组(B组)33例。治疗前A组评分平均51.3分,B组52.0分(P>0.05)。治疗2周后A组评分平均66.5分,B组60.2分(P<0.05);治疗1个月后A组评分平均82.5分高于B组74.3分(P<0.05)。药物不良反应发生率:A组40%,B组9.1%,不需处理且不影响治疗。结论降纤酶能显著改善进展性脑卒中患者的神经功能,未发现明显不良反应。
Objective To evaluate the effect of Defibrase on progressive stroke. Methods 72 padents with progressive stroke were enrolled into a random, double blind, placebo- comparison study. 35 patients enrolled into therapeutic group ( group A) received tertian 10 u of Defibrase (produced by Noth Company, Yan Tai) added into 250 mL of NS and 33 patients were enrolled into control group (group B) received tertian 250 mL of NS only.Plasma fibrinogen was treasured before treatment. Effect was evaluated by the Europa Stroke Score Standard. Results Before treatment, the mean score of group A were 51.3 and group B were 52.0( P 〉 0.05) .After 2 weeks of treatment, the mean score of group A were 66. 5 and group B were 60.2( P 〈0.05).Mter 1 month of treatment,the mean score of group A were 82.5 and group B were 74.3( P 〈 0.05).40% patients in group A and 9.1% patients in group B suffered side effects which need not to be deal with and the side effects also did not influence the treatment. Conclusion Defibrase can improve the nervous function of stroke patients significantly and no obvious side effects happened.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal