对78例甲状腺疾病者进行了 ̄99mTC甲状腺血流和静态显像。其中50例进行了彩色多普勒超声显像;36例甲状腺肿物做病理学检查。结果:甲亢病人的甲状腺血流显像和彩超显像均示血流显著增多;36例甲状腺肿物的血流显像9例阳性(25%).27例阴性(75%);36例甲状腺肿物的彩色多普勒血流显像示甲状腺癌内血流较正常甲状腺增多,但良、恶性甲状腺肿瘤之间相比,血流参数差异无显著意义(P>0.05);两种方法比较,对恶性甲状腺肿瘤,阳性率无明显差异;对良性甲状腺肿瘤,前者假阳性3例(12.5%),后者10例(41.7%)。提示:甲状腺血流显像对部分甲状腺疾病的诊断优于彩色多普勒显像。
Both thyroid blood flow and static imaging with ~99mTC was carried out in 82 cas-es normal and thyroid disease. CDFI was carried out in 40 cases, among them 26 with thy-roid mass were pathologically performed after operation and fine needle biopsy. The resultsshowed that there were significantly increased in patients with hyperthyroidism using boththyroid blood flow imaging and CDFI;of 40 blood flow imaging with the thyroid mass,7with positive(18%),33 with nagative(82%);of 26 with the thyroid mass showed that therewere increased thyroid blood flow by CDFI,but the changes of blood flow parameter in pa-tients with thyroid cancer were not significantly different from those of the benign tumours(P>0.05);In diagnosing malignant thyroid tumour,there was not difference betweeneach other;In benign thyroid tumour, false positive the former was 2 cases(11%),but thelatter was 8 cases(42%).It is suggested that ridionuclidc thyroid blood flow imaging is bet-ter than CDFI in the diagnosis of patients with thyroid diseases.
Journal of Ningxia Medical College