2佩翠西·威廉姆斯著. The Alcherny of Race and Rights , 1991. 被引量:1
3Richard Delgado, "Legal Scholarship: Insiders Outsides. Editors", 63 Colo. Law Rev. 1992, p. 717. 被引量:1
4Richard Delgado and Jean Stetancic, "Critical Race theory: An Annotated Bibliography", 79 Va. Law Rev. 1993, p. 461. 被引量:1
5John O. Calmore, "Critical Race Theory , Archie Shepp, and Fire Music: Securing an Authentic Intellectual life in a Multicultural world", 6.5 s. Cal. Law Rev. , 1992, p. 2129. 被引量:1
6Paul Carrington, "Of law and the river", 34 J. Legal Education, 1984, p. 222. 被引量:1