
胸段食管碱烧伤后瘢痕挛缩致管腔狭窄动物模型的建立 被引量:2

Establishment of animal models of stricture of thoracic segment of esophagus caused by alkaline injury
摘要 目的建立家犬胸段食管碱烧伤后瘢痕挛缩致管腔狭窄动物模型,探讨NaOH最适致伤浓度。方法16只家犬随机分为正常对照组(A组)及实验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组。将双根Foley导管插至家犬胸段食管,导管间距10 cm,实验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组分别经近侧导管注入5%、10%、20%NaOH溶液各10m l,1分钟后抽出灌注碱液,20m l生理盐水冲洗3次。正常对照组仅注入生理盐水。伤后24小时食管镜检查烧伤程度,2周后行食管钡餐检查,4周后处死家犬,测定食管狭窄指数,行食管组织HE染色,检测组织羟脯氨酸水平。结果5%NaOH致家犬食管Ⅰ°烧伤,未发生狭窄;20%NaOH致所有实验动物于伤后48小时内死于食管穿孔及急性纵隔炎;10%NaOH均造成家犬食管Ⅱ°b期烧伤,管腔狭窄,食管狭窄指数升高,光镜下胶原纤维增多、粗大、排列紊乱,食管组织羟脯氨酸水平明显增加。结论建立的家犬胸段食管碱烧伤后瘢痕挛缩致管腔狭窄模型方法可靠,操作简便,避免了开胸手术带来的影响。10%NaOH是最佳致伤浓度。 Objective To establish animal models of stricture of thoracic segment of esophagus after alkaline injury,and to find out the optimal concentration of NaOH used. Methods Sixteen dogs were divided randomly into Ⅰ , Ⅱ,Ⅲ groups. Group A served as the control. Two Foley catheters were inserted into canine thoracic esophagus and adjusted at a distance of 10 cm. Ten ml of 5% ,10% ,and 20% of NaOH solution was infused through the proximal catheter in the group Ⅰ , Ⅱ and Ⅲ respectively. Then the solution was aspirated 1 minute later,and 20 ml of normal saline was used to irrigate the burned area for 3 times subsequently. Saline was instilled in the group A. Rigid endoscopy and barium meal examination were performed 24h and 2 weeks after injury respectively. All the dogs were killed 4 weeks after the experiment. Stricture index and histological feature were observed, and hydroxyproline levels were detected in esophageal tissue. Results The dogs in the group Ⅰ developed Ⅰ°burn injury, and had no esophageal stenosis. All the animals in the group Ⅲ died of esophageal perforation and acute mediastinitis in less than 48h after being burned. Ⅱ° injury was demonstrated under endoscopy in the group Ⅱ. Stricture index and hydroxyproline levels increased significantly in the esophageal tissue. Moreover, histopathological study revealed that collagen deposition and diameter of the fiber increased and its orientation was irregular in the group Ⅱ. Conclusion The technique is reliable,convenient,and thoracotomy can be avoided. 10% of NaOH solution is optimal to establish this animal model.
出处 《创伤外科杂志》 2006年第6期536-540,共5页 Journal of Traumatic Surgery
关键词 食管损伤 烧伤 食管狭窄 动物模型 esophageal injury burn esophagus stricture animal model
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