Moving window display technique and recognition probes technique were used to investigate the mechanism of accessibility of goal information in long-term memory in text uncompleted subgoal condition and the completed subgoal primed the integration of the goal information in readers' reading in 138 college stuclents. Experiment 1 designed the condition, with which the authors tested whether the goal-focus long-term memory. The result showed that the reading time of Target sentence 2 was longer in the completed condition than that in the uncompleted condition. The result suggested the Target sentence 1 severed as signal primed the accessibility of goal information in long-term memory. Experiment 2 and 3 explored whether the accessibility of the goal information was spontaneous or not. In these two experiments, the author designed the super goal version and non-super goal version. The goal information through the passages was not integrated in Experiment 2 and was integrated in Experiment 3. The result of Experiment 2 showed the recognition times of goal probe words in both versions were not significantly different. The result suggested the goal information in long-term memory was not affected the current comprehension when the goal information was not integrated. The result of Experiment 3 showed the recognition times of goal probe words in the super goal version were shorter than that in the non-super goal version. The result suggested the integrating sentence of goal information reactivated the goal in long-term memory and the situation of the integration of goal information was the critical factor in the accessibility of the goal information in longterm memory.
Psychological Development and Education