Windows Mobile 5.0是微软为智能移动终端推出的软件平台,特别在智能手机领域受到越来越广泛的应用;在基于Windows Mobile的产品设计中,内存泄露又是需要考虑的关键之一。文中解析了Windows Mobile平台上监测设备内存泄露的工具AppVerifier,并在模拟器上实现了监测应用程序内存泄露,进而发现使用AppVerifier存在的问题,并指出了使用中高效利用AppVerifier的方法。
As.a software platform,Windows Mobile 5.0 is Microsoft production launched in intelligent mobile teminals and is being widely used especially in smartphone or pocket PC. On the other hand, memory leak is a key point for Windows Mobile - based device deveklpment Discussed how AppVerifier, a tool employed in detecting memory leak in Windows Mobile, works in detail. And introduced AppVeritier in the device emulator as a case in point. Specified a problen) existing in AppVerifier and a metbod in using the tool more efficiently.
Computer Technology and Development