文中给出了一种快速绘制剖面线的新算法(Fast Drawing Hatch Pattern,FDHP)。该方法无需对边界进行复杂而又不稳定的搜索,通过种子点对在其虚拟像空间((内存中自设一(Xmax-Xmin+1)*(Ymax-Ymin+1)/4+1 BytesBuffer,每个虚拟像素点(整个图形共计有(Xmax-Xmin)*(Ymax-Ymin)个虚拟像素点)用二个Bits标识其状态)中进行区域填充以快速得到其所具有的最小拓扑区域,并在其区域进行剖面线绘制。该方法已在博士CAD系统中予以实现,大量用户常年使用,反应非常好。该算法新颖、高效、快速并具有非常好的鲁棒性等优点。
Describes a new algorithm for fast drawing hatch pattem(FDHP). There is no need for complex and unstable finding the boundary of an area. Based on the .seed point, this algorithm uses fast improved flooding algorithm in the self- define memory buffer which can be .set as ( Xmax - Xmin + 1 ) * ( Ymax - Ymin + 1 )/4 + 1 Bytes (the whole picture will have ( Xmax - Xmin) * ( Ymax - Ymin) virtual pixels), and each one only needs two bits to represent its status during calculation) in size to get the minimum topological area for the hatch pattern. This algorithm has been implemented in Doctor- CAD system, and has been used in design and industry for a long time which has been proved to be very good and successful. This algorithm is very fast, efficient and very robust as well in the practical applications.
Computer Technology and Development