对中华倒刺鱼巴(Spinibarbus sinensis)、白甲鱼(Onychostoma simus)和岩原鲤(Procypris rabaudi)3种鱼的鲜精在不同水溶液和不同浓度梯度的NaCl溶液中的活力以及精子形态、密度和精液pH值、浓度等进行了比较研究。结果表明:3种鱼的精液pH值都偏弱碱性,位于7.2~7.7之间;精液浓度依次为71.1%,76.1%和71%;精子头长依次为(3.89±0.53)μm,(2.98±0.08)μm和(6.42±0.59)μm,全长依次为(41.63±3.66)μm,(65.67±2.97)μm和(58.89±5.25)μm;精子密度依次为1.527×10^10/mL,1.336×10^10尾/mL和1.362×10^10/mL。分析表明,3种鱼的精子大小与密度无相关性。在不同水溶液中,3种鱼的精子活力均以池塘水中最高;在不同浓度NaCl溶液中,3种鱼精子的最适浓度位于0.45%-0.55%之间,有效运动时间以中华倒刺鱼巴最高,为(85.23±12.02)s,其次是岩原鲤,为(50.454-6.89)s,白甲鱼最短,为(31.44±5.53)s。3种鱼的精子全长与精子活力存在负相关性,即精子越长,活力越低,精子越短,活力越高。
The sperm motility in different water solutions and different concentration gradient NaCl solutions as well as the sperm morpha, density and seminal pH, concentration were studied comparatively in S. sinensis, O. simus and P. rabaudi. The results showed : these 3 species' seminal pH were weak alkaline and between 7. 2 - 7. 7 ; seminal concentration were orderly 71.1%, 76. 1% and 71% ; the sperm head length were ( 3.89 ± 0. 53 ) μm, ( 2. 98 ± 0. 08 ) μm and (6.42 ± 0. 59) μm, sperm total length were (41.63± 3.66 )μm, ( 65.67 ± 2. 97 ) μm and ( 58. 89 ± 5.25 ) μm ; sperm density were 1. 527 × 10^10tail/mL, 1. 336 × 10^10 tail/mL and 1. 362 × 10^10 tail/mL. The analysis showed: the sperm head length and density of 3 species were uncorrelation. The sperm acquisition of high motility was at pond water in different water solutions, the most suitable concentration for sperm were between 0.45% - 0.55% in different concentration NaCl solutions. The highest on the available motion in the 3 species was S. sinensis, about(85.23 ± 12. 02)s, the next was P. rabaudi, about(50. 45 ±6.89)s, O. simus was the lowest, about(31.44 ±5.53)s. It was negative correlation between the total sperm length and motility of sperm in these 3 species, it means that the longer the sperm was, the lower the motility was, and the shorter the sperm was, the higher the motility was.
Freshwater Fisheries