T.kitauei spores were ruptured ultrasonically and its DNA isolated, then the fragment of DNA digested by Eco RI were cloned into pBluscript ks Eco RI site. Through α complementation, Eco RI digesting identification and selection of T.kitauei DNA probe which was labelled with biotin, the gene library of T.kitauei containing 23 clones were established with the length of cloning fragments to be from 0.9 kb to 6.8 kb. Through the selection of T.kitauei DNA probe and the analyses of sensitivity and specifility of positive clones, the fragment that was about 0.9 kb of No.19 clone was labelled to prepare gene probe which could detect 5 mg/L of parasite DNA. Both ends of this gene probe were sequenced. Through sequence analysis by computer, upstream primer (P 1) and downstream one (P 2) were designed. P 1 sequence was 5′TTTCGAACCCGCACAACAAG3′, P 2 sequence was 5′TGAGTGGATAGTATCGCTGC3′. P 1 and P 2 primers were specific to myxosporidia. The detective methods for T.kitauei with gene probe and PCR were tested and discussed.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science