27 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) have been treated by intrave-neos thrombolytic therapy. Among them, 21 were male and 6 female, aged from 40 to 70 yearsold (average 57+/-7). There were 13 cases with the recanalization of infarct-related arterieswithin two hours after the treatment of thrombolysis. The average time from onset of AMI tostart of the treatment of thrombolysis was 214 +/-54 minuts It was significantly earlier thanthat with no recanalizing patients (P<0. 05). In the recanalization group, the frequancy of rapidarrythmia was 73%, compared with 27% in the group without recanalization (X2= 3. 04). LVEFwas measured using echocardiography after 4 weeks of the treatment or before discharge from hos-pital. In the recanalization group the EF was 58%, it was significantly better than that of anothergroup. There were 3 death cases, including two cases without recanalization. The mortality was11%. There was no case with massive bleeding. The result showed that this method was an effec-tive and relative-safety therapy for patients with AMI.
Journal of Naval General Hospital of PLA