From 1984 to 1994, 51 cases of metastatic carcinoma of spine with pathological compress ion fracture of vertebral body and 21 cases of primary osteoporosis with wedge-shaped compress ion fracture of vertebral body were treated in our hospital. The author found that it was very difficult to different late these two kinds of diseases, especially the cases in thoracolumbar and lumbar vertebrae. Among them, 2 cases of primary osteoporosis are misdiagnosed as metastatic carcinoma and explored by surgical operation. Reviewing these cases by general conditions, main symptoms, injure of nerve, laboratory examination, image examination and so on, the authorsuggested that metastatic carcinoma of spine shows characters of single pathological change of vertebral body, Sharp Dam and always with nocturnal pain, destructive vertebrae with paravertebrae soft tissue mass, and spinal cord compression or symptoms of nerve root. Whereas, tile primary os teoporosis shows characters of great age, most finding in female, mild pain, multiple pathological vertebral body,besides wedge-shaped compres s ion fracture vertebrae, decrease in density with other vertebrae also, no paravertebral soft t issue mass, and no spinal cord compress ion or symptoms of nerve root.
Medical Journal of Trauma and Disability
Compression fracture
Metastatic carcinoma of spine