阐述了Linux 2.6内核的O(1)进程调度策略,分析了它的不足,提出了基于用户级别的进程调度策略,根据需要定义系统内用户级别的个数,通过给不同用户指派不同的级别,区别对待不同级别用户创建的进程,首先满足高级别用户的需求,使高级别用户创建的进程获得更低的静态优先级static_prio和更长的运行时间片timeslice,各级别的用户得到与其级别相适应的服务,更加体现了进程调度的公平性原则。实验结果表明,在原有资源的基础上,基于用户级别的进程调度策略有效地改善了高级别用户获得的服务。
O(1)process scheduling policy in Linux 2.6 is described and it's shortage is analyzed. And then, a process scheduling policy based on user priority is presented. It defines the number of user priority in system according demands. Different priority to different user is dispatched, a difference between processes created is done by different priority user and the requests of the higher priority users is satified firstly. The processes created is given by higher priority user lower static_prio and longer timeslice. It makes users receive corresponding services. The policy is fairer. Experimental results show that the process scheduling policy based on user priority improves services high priority users gained on the primary environment.
Computer Engineering and Design