目的探讨平板运动试验诱发ST段抬高对冠心病的诊断价值及对冠状动脉病变部位定位诊断的意义。方法分析8例无心肌梗死而运动诱发ST段抬高的运动心电图及冠状动脉造影检查结果。结果8例患者冠脉造影均显示有程度不等的血管狭窄(50% ̄100%);ST段抬高导联与缺血相关血管有良好对应关系。结论无心梗患者运动诱发心电图ST段抬高是冠脉痉挛或冠脉严重狭窄所致心肌局部缺血的标志,且对预测冠状动脉病变部位有一定意义。
Objective To investigate the clinical relationship between ST segment elevation induced by treadmill exercise test and level diagnosis of coronary artery-diseased region. Methods Analysis of the results between treadmill exercise test and coronary angiography was made in eight patients without myocardial infarction who had ST segment elevation during treadmill exercise test. Results all patients demonstrated 50%~100% stenosis of coronary artery. The leads of ST segment elevation are well correlated with the ischemia-related artery. Conclusion It is a sign of myocardial ischemia resulting from spasm or severe stenosis of proximal coronary artery that exercise-induced ST segment elevation in patients without myocardial infarction. The leads of ST segment elevation are well correlated with the ischemia-related artery.
Journal of Clinical Electrocardiology