In this article,a nine-year,s date(1988 to June 1996)about anesthesia of 105 pediatric patientsunderwent cerebral stereotastic operations was anaiysed.The results showed that all children (ASA I-II,2-14yr,M/F:61/44),anesthetilized basically by local anesthesia with 0.5%procaine, were also needed tobe combined with one other different anesthetic method during procedures,such a8 54 cases(51.6%) withsedative(diazepam or droperidol)or basical anesthesia(ketamine or pethidine I.M.),46 cases(43.8%)with intravenous anesthesia(ketamine, r-OH, fentanyl or thiopental I.V,)and 5 cases(4.8%)with trachealintubation. The commonnest complications during operations were nausea, vomiting,bradycardia andtachycardia as well as dyspnea in various degrees. In conclusion,we suggested that, in order toincreasethe safety during pediatric anesthesia and stereotartic operation, anesthetists should attend followingproblems:(1)preparing the pediatric patients preopratively,including history,physical examination,premedication and or so;(2) choosing anesthetic techniques and anesthetics reasonably for earh case;(3)positioning proppJrly for airway manapement and preventing vomiting or regurigitation with subsequentpulmonary aspiration of stomaich content during anesthesia,and(4)monitoring SBP, DBP,MAP,ECGand SpO2.
Stereotactic operation,Pediatric anesthesia,Cerebrum