Peroxiredoxins(Prxs)家族广泛存在于生物体的各种细胞中,这种抗氧化蛋白在过氧化氢(H2O2)介导的信号通路调节中具有重要作用。在哺乳动物细胞中,Prxs家族成员能催化细胞内的H2O2还原,将其烷化为H2O和乙醇而清除。H2O2行使细胞内的信号分子的作用,需要保证其浓度在细胞内可以迅速上升至一定阈值以上,因此要避免H2O2被Prxs破坏。H2O2超氧化会使Prxs活性位点上的Cys-SH生成Cys-SO2H而失活,随后Prxs在Su lfiredoxin(Srx)催化下又可恢复活性。Prxs的可逆性失活能调节H2O2在细胞内积聚的浓度使其行使信使功能,作用于多种特殊蛋白质。
The family of peroxiredoxins (Prxs)are present in various cell types. Recent reports suggest that these proteins belong to antioxidant protein family. They not only have the function of antioxygenation, but also have the crucial action in H2O2-mediated signaling. Members of Prx family can catalyze the reduction of H2O2and alkyl hydroperoxides to water and alcohol, removing the H2O2 consequently. However, the H2O2 is either the oxidant or the signal molecule in cells. The messenger function of H2O2 requires that its concentration increase rapidly above a certain threshold level. The H2O2 moleculars generated need to be protected from destruction by Prxs. H2 O2 peroxidates the Cys-SH of Prxs to CysSO2 H on active sites and induces the inactivation of Prxs, which can be reactivated by Srx. The reversible inactivation of Prxs can regulate the concentration of H2O2 in order to let it exert its messenger function, and act on various particularly proteins.
Journal of International Pathology and Clinical Medicine