目的 了解湖南长沙地区HIV/AIDS患者的一般情况、传播途径、临床表现以及机会性感染发生部位及病原情况。方法 对长沙市传染病医院自2003年4月~2006年6月收治的48例HIV/AIDS病人进行回顾性分析。结果 经性传播是本地区HIV/AIDS最主要的传播途径(占75.0%);发病人群主要为农民、无业及打工人员;最常见的临床症状为发热(75.0%)、体重减轻(64.6%)、咳嗽(52.1%)、皮肤病变(43.8%)、慢性腹泻(37.5%)、淋巴结肿大(37.5%)、气促以及呼吸困难(14.6%);45.8%的患者白细胞总数低于正常,胸片检查异常者占62.5%,CD4+T细胞〈200/μl者占78.2%;机会性感染发生率为85.4%,最常见的机会性感染是:口腔真菌感染(52.1%)、肺部感染(54.2%)、真菌性肠炎(14.6%)、皮肤疱疹病毒感染(18.6%)、肺及肺外结核(16.7%)等。结论 湖南长沙地区HIV/AIDS的感染以农民等普通人群为主,主要经性传播,临床上以发热、咳嗽、体重减轻及慢性腹泻为常见症状,大多数病例胸片检查有异常,易误诊为肺部感染。机会性感染表现为多系统、多种致病微生物并存,细菌、真菌、病毒均为常见病原,呼吸、消化系统以及皮肤软组织为常见感染部位。
Objective To elucidate general characteristics of HIV/AIDS patients seeking care at Changsha Infectious Disease Hospital in an attempt to guide early diagnosis and treatment. Methods A retrospective analysis of 48 HIV/AIDS cases from April 2003 to June 2006 was completed by using SPSS statistical analysis. Results Among these patients, most of them were infected by sexually transmission route (75.0 % ). They were peasants, jobless and casual laborers, came from various districts of Hunan Province. The most common symptoms were fever (75.0%), weight loss (64.6%), cough (52.1% ) skin rashes (43.8 % ), chronic diarrhea(37.5 % ), and lymphadenhypertrophia (37.5 % ) ; 14.6 % cases had breath- lessness and dyspneic respiration, 45.8% cases' white blood cells were lower than normal, 62.5% cases' chest X - ray were abnormal, 78.2 % cases' CD4 + T lymphocytes were lower than 200/μl, and 85.4 % cases had opportunistic infections (OIs). The most common Ols were thrush (52.1% ), pulmonary infection (54.2 % ), fungal infected diarrhoea( 14.6 % ), herpes(18.6 %), and 16.7 % patients were co- infected with pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Conclusion The majority of cases was general population and they had contracted HIV/AIDS sexually. Fever is the first presenting sign; weight loss, cough and diarrhea are the most common symptoms. Thrush and pulmonary infection are the most frequent OIs. Most cases' chest X- ray are abnormal and might been misdiagnosed as pulmonary infection. The most common pathogens of OIs are bacteria, fungus and virus. OIs are multi- organs effected and complicated.
Practical Preventive Medicine
Route of Transmission
Clinical manifestation
Opportunistic Infections