Based on the global color symmetry mode/ (GCM), a method for obtaining the quark loop effects on the dressed gluon propagator in GCM is developed. In the chiral limit, it is found that the dressed gluon propagator containing the quark loop effects in the Nambu-Goldstone and Wigner phases are quite different. In solving the quark self-energy functions in the two different phases and subsequent study of bag constant one shouM use the above dressed gluon propagator as input. The above approach for obtaining the current quark mass effects on the dressed gluon propagator is quite general and can also be used to calculate the chemical potential dependence of the dressed gluon propagator.
The project supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 10575050 and 10135030 and the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education under Grant No. 20030284009.