目的保证装甲车辆舱室空气质量符合卫生学要求,为乘载员提供安全的微小气候环境。方法根据现场调查资料,结合国内外相关资料,进行标准编制。结果制定出《装甲车辆乘载员通风需要量限值》,标准规定:(1)装甲车辆行驶时,乘员所需最低人均新风量34 m3.h-1,空气交换率≥27 h-1;载员所需最低人均新风量为25 m3.h-1,空气交换率≥36 h-1。舱室温度<32℃行驶时,乘载员头部风速应≥0.15 m.s-1,而热气候(≥32℃)下操作时乘载员头部风速应≥0.5m.s-1。(2)火炮射击时,以≥100 m3.h-1作为乘员人均新风量,空气交换率为≥80 h-1,头部风速为≥0.5 m.s-1。(3)核生化(NBC)状态下,乘员的新风量应≥25 m3.h-1,空气交换率为20 h-1;与之相对应,载员所需人均新风量应≥18 m3.h-1,空气交换率为≥26 h-1;乘载员头部风速为≥0.1 m.s-1。结论该标准适用于装甲车辆的论证、设计、试验、验收和使用的卫生评价。
Objective To pledge the indoor air quality in armored vehicles to meet hygienic standard, and to supply a safe microclimate for the crew members. Methods The standards was made on the basis of spot investigation data and analysis of domestic and international information. Results The standard of ventilation requirements of crew members in armored vehicles was worked out. In this standard, the following items were stipulated: (1) Under driving condition, the average outside air intake should be supplied at a minimum rate of ≥34m^3·h^-1 per person, and the air change rate should be ≥ 27 per hour for operators. But for carriers, outside air intake and air change rate should be at least 25m^3·h^-1 per person and 36 per hour respectively. Air velocity moved over the crew members head should be ≥0.15 m·s^-1 at room temperatures of less than 32℃, however, in hot climate ( temperatures ≥32℃) it should be ≥0.5m·s^-1. (2) Under firing condition, a minimum of ≥100 m^3·h^-1 per person of outside fresh air should be introduced into the operators' enclosure, and air change rate ≥80h^-1. Furthermore, air velocity over the operator's head should be ≥0.5 m·s^-1. (3) Under nuclear biochemical (NBC) condition, a minimum of ≥25 m3·h^-1 per person of outside fresh air should be introduced into the operators' enclosure, and the air change rate should be ≥20h^-1. The outside air intake and air change rate for carriers should be ≥18m3·h^-1 per person and ≥26 h^-1 respectively, and air velocity over head for both operator and carrier should be ≥0.1m·s^-1. Conclusion This standard is suitable for hygienic evaluation in demonstration, design, test, acceptance check, and use of the armored vehicles.
Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army
armored vehicles
ventilation requirements
outside air intake
air over head.