针对纺织厂纱线质量在线检测装置,设计了模块通信方法.文中介绍了纱线质量在线检测装置中处于递阶分布式控制系统中的各RCS(real-time control systems)控制模块间通信的实现过程.这一过程是使用RCS设计工具,通过通信管理系统(CMS)和中性消息语言(NML)来实现的,其中CMS是递阶分布式控制系统中底层的通信系统,NML是CMS的高层接口,CMS和NML均由C++程序实现.
In the light of the line measure equipment of yarn quality, the modular communication is designed. The implementation of communication among RCS modules in hierarchical and distributed control systems is introduced. By using RCS design tool with CMS and NML the communication among RCS modules is implemented. CMS is the low-level communication systems in HDCS, and NML is the high-level interface to CMS. Both CMS and NML are implemented using C + + programs.
Journal of Tiangong University