目的应用血氧饱和度对比成像(blood oxygenation level dependent,BOLD)的功能性磁共振技术结合0℃冰水刺激对人类大脑前庭皮质的定位进行研究,并探讨该方法在前庭皮质定位研究上的应用价值。方法在完全黑暗的环境下,对20例成年健康志愿者的右侧外耳道用0℃冰水15ml 持续15s 灌注后,然后采用1.5T Signa Infinity Twin+Excite 成像系统,采集脑部的 BOLD-fMRI的数据,最后通过 spm99软件对数据进行统计学分析(组分析)得到脑功能活动的图像。结果 17例受试者的扫描结果参与了最终的组分析。通过组分析后显示双侧的大脑皮质出现多个 BOLD 信号增强区,左侧为主,分别为后脑岛及部分颞顶连接皮质、颞上回、顶下小叶的缘上回及顶叶内侧面的楔前叶、枕叶的腹外侧区、舌回和楔叶、补充运动区、扣带回皮质。结论0℃冰水刺激结合功能性磁共振成像技术进一步证实了人类大脑存在一个广泛的皮质反应网络参与前庭信号的处理,而且该方法能对大脑的前庭皮质功能区进行精确定位,是一种敏感性高、重复性好的研究方法。
Objective To study human vestibular cerebral representations by combining right-sided ice-water stimulation at 0℃ with blood oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-fMRI) and to evaluate the value of this method in the functional localization of human vestibular cortex. Methods Twenty right-handed volunteers (12 men and 8 women) received unilateral irrigation of the right external auditory meatu for 15 s with 15 ml of water at 0℃ during fMRI in complete darkness. The functional imaging of brain cortex was acquired with a 1.5-T MRI scanner ( Signa Infinity Twin + Excite ; General Electric Co. , USA). The successive functional images from each subject were analyzed as a group with statistical parametric mapping software (SPM 99). Results Ultimately, data obtained from 17 subjects were analyzed (3 subjects were eliminated from data because of head movement exceeding 2 mm). The group analysis showed bilateral ( particularly left-sided) cortical activation, associated with caloric stimulus involving in temporoparietal junction extending into the posterior insula, supramarginal gyrus in the inferior parietal lobe, precuneus, supplementary motor area (SMA), the ventrolateral portion of the occipital lobe, cuneus and lingual gyms, superior temporal gyms and cingular cortex. Conclusions Ice-water stimulation at 0℃ in fMRI reveals a widespread cortical network involved in vestibular signal processing in human. As the functional localization of vestibular cortex could be determined precisely, ice-water stimulation at 0℃ in fMRI would hold great promise as a sensitive and reproducible tool for the research in human vestibular cortex.
Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Cerebral cortex
Vestibular nuclei
Vestibular function tests
Magnetic resonance imaging