
一种CMOS工艺兼容的PMOS管红外探测器 被引量:1

A CMOS Compatible PMOS Transistor Infrared Detector
摘要 二极管连接的MOS管以恒定电流偏置时,栅源电压与温度成线性关系.其温度变化率与偏置电流和MOS管的宽长比等因素有关.对此做理论分析的基础上,用Hspice进行了仿真.当取偏置电流为60μA,MOS管的宽长比为2/2时,仿真得到的栅源电压温度变化率为2.13mV/K.基于此温度特性,提出用PMOS管作为红外探测敏感元件,利用标准CMOS工艺,结合体硅加工技术制作红外探测器的方法,并将PMOS管串联以进一步增加探测器的灵敏度. When a MOSFET is biased at a constant current, the gate-source voltage is proportional to the temperature. Its temperature coefficient is determined by bias current and W/L ratio of the MOSFET. After theoretical analysis, Hspice simulation is performed. When bias current and W/L ratio is 60 μA and 2/ 2, respectively, the temperature coefficient of gate-source voltage obtained by simulation is 2. 13 mV/K. Based on this temperature characteristic, a new infrared detector using PMOS transistor as temperature sensitive device is proposed, which could be fabricated using standard CMOS and bulk micromachining technology. PMOS transistors are connected in serial to further increase the sensitivity of the detector.
出处 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第05A期1717-1720,共4页 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
关键词 红外探测器 CMOS工艺 MOSFET 温度效应 infrared detector CMOS technology MOSFET temperature effect
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