

Study and Design of On-line Product Configuration Platform
摘要 适应企业采取大规模客户化定制策略的需要,研究设计产品在线配置平台。从产品在线配置平台参与成员在平台构建与运行中的角色、作用和主要支撑元素等角度,介绍了产品在线配置平台的主体、结构层次、功能目标以及构建和运行过程。 To meet the demands of enterprises' adopting mass customization policy, on-line product Configuration is studied and designed. From such aspects as the roles, functions and supporting elements of the members participating in the establishment and practice of the on-line product configuration platform, this paper introduces the subject, the levels of the structure, the aim of the function, the establishment and the working process concerned the on-line product configuration platform.
出处 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第5期37-42,共6页 Journal of Chongqing university of science and technology(social sciences edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目"多企业组织协同产品开发任务分解机理与应用研究"(70472016)成果之一
关键词 大规模客户化定制 产品在线配置 配置平台设计 mass customization the on-line product configuration the design of configuration platform
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