
国际水稻遗传评价网(INGER)在广西的评价和利用(英文) 被引量:1

Evaluation and utilization of international network of genetic evaluation for rice(INGER) nurseries in Guangxi province of China
摘要 国际水稻遗传评价网(INGER)是一项全球性的水稻种质交换、评价和利用国际合作项目,是引进国外种质的最佳途径之一。广西从1979起参加国际水稻遗传评价网的国际合作,到目前为止,已接受过13个不同类型的INGER试验圃,和包括当地对照在内的约17000份参试材料。通过对国际水稻遗传评价试验网各试验圃试验材料的评价,获得了一批适合广西生态条件的新的高产源、优质源、抗源及具有恢复基因、保持基因的优异种质材料,这不仅丰富了我区的稻种资源库,而且扩大了我区品种改良的遗传背景。从1999年到现在,我们筛选出了600余份优良的育种材料,向区内外20多个科研育种单位无偿提供了8000份左右的种子材料。INGER对提高我区的水稻生产水平特别是在米质和抗性的改良以及杂交稻组合的选配上,起着重要作用。据不完全统计,利用INGER部份优良种质,进行系统选育和杂交育种,育成通过广西农作物品种审定并推广的品种6个,杂交稻组合17个,这些品种和组合在广西水稻生产上已大面积推广,取得了巨大的社会和经济效益。尽管INGER在广西的试验存在着资金和管理上的一些问题,我们仍然希望能继续承担这个试验;通过它多引进特殊需要的种质材料;解决种子来华问题,最好由IRRI将供试种子统一寄给国内一个单位;国内项目协调员应积极组织参试单位共同申报国家课题争取经费支持;以及适当组织田间考察活动。 International Network of Genetic Evaluation for Rice (INGER) is a world wide cooperative program of rice germplasm exchange, evaluation and utilization organized by International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). It is also one of the best ways to introduce foreign rice germplasms and breeding materialsD3. This program has been started in 1979 in Guangxi. Up to date, 13 kinds of INGER nurseries including total 17,000 seed materials have been conducted by the Rice Research Institute and Plant Protection Institute of Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GXAAS) since then. Great number of elite rice germplasms and breeding materials with high yield potential, good grain quality, multi-resistance to disease and insect pests, adoptable to the local eco-conditions, and restoring and maintaining genes have been screened and evaluated out through the INGER nurseries in Guangxi. These elite germplasm materials not only enriched the collection contents of the rice gene-bank but also expanded the genetic background of variety improvement in Guangxi. As counted from 1999, about 600 entrances from INGER nurseries have been evaluated as promising breeding materials with various elite traits, and more than 8,000 seed samples have been provided to about 20 research institutions in and out side Gunagxi province for breeding or other studies. INGER program has played an important role in raising rice production level, especially for rice grain quality improvement, increasing the resistances to disease and insect pests, and breeding for rice hybrids as well as inbred. Based on incomplete statistics, by use of germplasms from INGER nurseries, six inbred varieties and 17 rice hybrids have been developed and released in commercial production for years and brought great economic and social profits in Guangxi province. Though there are some problems and difficulties, including financial and management issues to improve and perfect the implementation of INGER program not only in Guangxi but also in some other provinces
出处 《广西农业科学》 CSCD 2006年第5期481-485,共5页 Guangxi Agricultural Sciences
关键词 国际水稻遗传评价试验网 优良种质 评价 利用 广西 INGER elite germplasm evaluation utilization Guangxi
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