The marjor and trace element (REE, Rb, Nb, Sr, Zr, Zn, Y, Cr, V, Ni, Sc) abundances of 19 samples for Cenozoic continental akalic basalts from the Penglai and Lingju areas, Shandong Province, are reported in the papei. In comparison with the geochemistry of oceanic basalts, the petrogenesis of basalts from Shandong and their geochemical characteristics of mantle sources are discussed.The Cenozoic alkalic basalts distributed over the Penglai and Lingju areas consist of olivine nephelinite, bas-mite and alkali olivine basalt in terms of the CIPW classification. Part of lavas incorporate ultramafic mantle xenoliths and rnegacrysts.The basalts in the Penglai area were prabably derived from a fairly homogeneous mantle source developing in a closed system. The contributions of partial melting and fractional crystallization of mainly olivine in the petrogenesis of hasalts from eastern Shandong are very important. The mantle from which basalts were derived had underwent metasomatism before melting.The contrbutions of partial melting and fractional crystllization of mainly pyroxene are also important in the petrogenesis of basalts from the Lingju area, western Shandong in the view of trace element geochemistry.
Geological Review