
中国经济学建设与创新刍议 被引量:2

Notes on Developing and Innovating Chinese Economics
摘要 中国经济学是在马克思主义经济学指导下专门研究我国经济改革与发展的理论经济学,它既不同于具有一般普遍意义的经济学,也不是指导经济工作的应用经济学。中国社会主义市场经济体制形成、发展的特殊路径决定了中国经济学不仅仅是一门“解释经济学”,它还肩负着“改造世界”的职责。政府主导型的市场模式和后发展经济使中国经济问题不都能在西方经济理论中找到现成答案,也不是仅仅利用西方现有理论来分析中国问题就能完成的。这需要中国经济学家从我国改革和发展的实际问题出发,在借鉴西方经济学理论的基础上,实现理论创新才能完成。在中国经济学建设过程中,德国经济学界在处理经济学国际性和本土性方面的经验,值得我们汲取。 Chinese Economics is a theoretical system of that specialized in researching China's economic reform and advancement under the guidance of Marxism Economics. It differs from any general economic theory; nor is an applied branch to guide practical work. In fact, the special process of the formation and development of the economic system of the Socialist market defines Chinese Economics not only an "interpretative economics", but also one that shoulders the responsibility for "reconstructing the world". Moreover, Chinese Economics, with a government-dominating-market pattern, cannot find available answers from western economic theories. That is, Chinese economists are required to complete their own theoretical innovations on the basis of the practical problems with the help of the western theories in question. In this process, the German experience for dealing with their local as well as international matters is worth learning.
作者 沈越
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期117-122,共6页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 中国经济学 本土经济学 解释经济学 改造世界的经济学 德国经济理论 Chinese Economics local economics interpretative economics world transformation economics German economic theory
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