急性黄疸型肝炎合并急性溶血在临床上较多见,其原因还未完全明确。本文利用电脑对近2年我科收治的伴有可疑溶血的急性黄痘型肝炎207例病人的临床资料进行多因素逐步回归分析,发现病人的性别、红细胞数、G-6PD、血钙等4个指标入选回归方程而对溶血有显著性意义。另对上述病人中的49例 G-6PD 缺陷者的临床资料进行多因素逐步回归分析,发现白细胞数、红细胞数、凝血时间、血钙、血肌酐、游离胆固醇、尿酸7个指标入选回归方程。因此,在临床上对这些因素加以重视,有利于预防急性溶血。
The reason of acute icteric hepatitis complicated by acute hermolysis wasn't completey explicit.The data of 207 patients with acute icteric hepatitis complicated by a- cute hemolysis and 49 cases of G-6PD deficiency among them had been analysed with multiple factors stepwise re- gression by computer.The result of these 207 cases showed that sex,RBC,G-6PD and serum calcium might have significance.The result of 49 cases of G-6PD defi- ciency showed that WBC,RBC.clotting time,serum cal- cium,serum creayinine,free cholesterol and uric acid might have remarkable significance.These subjects should be paid attention in clinic Practice.
Guangdong Medical Journal