
红麻品种青皮3号叶龄模式栽培的基础研究Ⅱ 叶龄与生长阶段及产量、品质的形成

Basic Studies on Cultivation according to the Leaf Age Model of the Cultivar "Qingpi No.3" in Kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus L.) Ⅱ Leaf Age in relation to the Stages of Growth, Fiber Accumulation and Strength Increase
摘要 1989~1991年的研究表明:青皮3号叶形的转换是在一定叶龄基础上发生的,根据叶龄与叶形结合来划分生长阶段比传统的株高法和生长速度法更为稳定和准确;苗期和旺长初期与纤维细胞的慢速分化期和旺盛分化初期相对应,分别为心叶期(0~8叶龄)和3裂叶期(9~12叶龄);旺长盛期包括纤维分化盛期及积累盛期,分别与5裂叶初(13叶龄)至50叶龄左右(30片7裂叶)和50叶龄左右至9月底。1992年的分期收获试验表明,9月底以后,纤维产量及强力均提高很少,收获期只与光、温有关,与叶龄无关。因此,提前播种和早施旺长肥(提高出叶速度)以及延长纤维积累盛期是高产优质的关键。 The studies with "Qingpi NO 3" from 1989 to 1991 showed that the changes of leaf shapes took place after a given leaves. Growth stages could be divided by leaf age and leaf shape, which was both more stable and more accurate than that by growing rate and stem height. In seedling stage (leaf age:0 ̄8, leaf shape:cordate leaves), the rate of fiber cell differentiation was low, and the early vigorous growth stage (leaf age:9 ̄12, leaf shape:palmate 3 split) was also the early vigourous differentiation stage of fiber cells. The full flourish growth stage included 2 full flourishes i.e. fiber cell differentiation (leaf age:13 ̄50±) and fiber accumulation (leaf age:50± ̄ late sept). The samples from different harvest times in 1992 indicated that, after late Sept or early Oct, both the accumulation and the strength of fibers were increased little. Harvest time was related to day length and temperature. There was no relationship between harvest time and leaf age. Therefore, early sown and early fertilization for vigorous growth (in order to increase leaf age) were the key for high output and streng fibers because the full florish time of fiber accumulation would be longer.
出处 《湖北农学院学报》 1996年第3期167-174,共8页 Journal of Hubei Agricultural College
关键词 红麻 叶龄模式 高产 栽培 Kenaf( Hibiscus cannabinus L.) leaf age model cultivation for high fiber output and strength
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