随着多媒体技术的发展,教育行业也发生巨大的变化,使原本枯燥的知识变得生动易懂,针对Visual C++课程内容多,难度大的特点,作者利用多媒体开发平台开发vc++课程辅助教学系统,来帮助Visual C++爱好者的学习、提高。本文主要以此系统为例简要介绍了多媒体教学软件开发的总体过程,以及开发过程中的一些制作技巧、策略。
With the development of the Multimedia technology, the tremendous changes have taken place, which make dull knowledge- learning diverse and interesting. As VC++ course is complicated, the author introduces the assistant teaching system of VC++ by using the producing plat of multimedia, which is helpful for the learners of VC++. Taking this design for example, the paper chiefly introduces the developing process of the system and some practical techniques of production.
Computer Knowledge and Technology