通过近年来福建省境内所发生地质灾害点与灾害发生之前10 d内实际累计过程降雨量、灾害发生时临灾及降雨量的统计分析,初步建立了福建省汛期地质灾害预报预警模式,利用预报预警区前期实际累计过程降雨量和福建省气象台提供的未来24 h降雨量预报资料,以及不同的地形(地貌)、岩土体等条件,对降雨诱发的地质灾害、发生时间和范围可能性作出预报预警,由福建省国土资源厅和福建省气象局联合在福建省电视台发布福建省地质灾害气象预报预警。
The paper gives an outline of the background condition and significance of weather prognosis and prewarning in the flood seasons of F ujian Province. Based on the actual accumulative total rainfall in the sites of happening with geologic hazard in recent years and before the 10 hours of happening with geologic hazard and on the statistical analysis of disaster-arriving conditions and rainfall rate, a mode of geologic hazard prediction and prewarning for flood seasons in Fujian Province is brought into existence. It is possible to make with the prediction and prewarning of the occurrence time and scope of geologic hazards inducing by the rainfall precipitation according to the forecasting data of the prophase actual accumulative total rainfall in the pre-warned zone, the prospective 24-hour rainfall submitted by Fujian Provincial Observatory and the different topography, landform and rock and soil. Then, the results of the prediction and prewarning are issued in the Fujian Provincial TV Station by Fujian Bureau of Land and Mineral Resources and Fujian Provincial Observatory.
Geology of Fujian
geologic hazard, forecasting and prewarning, mode