根据传染性喉气管炎病毒(Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus,ILTV)SA2株ICP4基因序列设计并合成3对引物,以ILTV中国王岗株(WG)株DNA为模板扩增ICP4基因,并对其进行了序列测定。将ILTV WG株的ICP4基因及其推导的氨基酸序列分别与ILTVSA-2株、BHV-1、EHV-1、EHV-4、MDV-1、MDV-2、HVT、PRV、VZV、HSV-1和HSV-2的ICP4基因及其推导的氨基酸序列比较后发现,ILTV毒株之间ICP4基因相对保守,核苷酸和氨基酸水平的同源性分别为99.7%和99.19/5,但与其他α-疱疹病毒的ICP4基因的同源性则较低,低于3.0%。对潜伏感染鸡三叉神经节中病毒基因的检测显示,在人工感染ILTVWG株后第10460d内均能检测到低水平的ICP4特异RNA,而gB、gC、TK则未能检出。鉴于目前国内外对α-疱疹病毒潜伏感染相关基因以及ICP4基因序列和结构功能的研究,ILTVWG株ICP4基因的克隆和序列测定,以及病毒基因在潜伏感染鸡三叉神经节中的差异表达,为进一步研究ICP4基因的功能及确定潜伏感染相关基因奠定了基础。
Three pair of primers flanking the ICP4 gene were designed according to the published nucleotide sequence of the Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILTV) strain SAg. The ICP4 gene of the ILTV Chinese Wanggang strain (WG) was obtained by polymerase chain reaction and the nucleotides of the ICP4 gene was sequenced. Nucleotide sequence and the deduced amino acid comparisons of the ICP4 gene of IL TV strain WG with that of ILTV strain SA2, BHV-1, EHV-1, EHV-4, MDV-1, MDV-2, HVT, PRV, VZV, HSV-1 and HSV-2 found that the ICP4 gene was relatively conserved among different ILTV strains, the homology of the nucleotide sequence and the deduced amino acid were 99.7G and 99.1%, but very low between different Alphaherpesvirus (under 3.0%). Detection of virus gene in latently infected trigeminal ganglia indicated that low level ICP4 specific RNA was present on days 10 to 60 after infected with ILTV strain WG, but gB, gC and TK specific RNA was absent. In view of presently studies on Latency related gene of Alphaherpesvirus and structural function of ICP4 gene , the cloning and sequencing of ILTV strain WG ICP4 gene, as well as different expression of virus gene in latently infected trigeminal ganglia here provide a framework for further studying the function of ICP4 gene and confirming latency-related gene.
Journal of Guangxi Agricultural and Biological Science