采用昆明2005年8至11月的1∶1000高分辨率航空DMC数字影像图对昆明市二环以内城市阴影区域绿色植被信息进行提取.利用归一化植被指数NDVI与NC IVI航空植被指数将明显植被区域信息提取出来,并将原图中明显植被区域割去;对切割后影像图利用掩模提取其中阴影部分并基于bayesian监督分类对阴影区植被进行分类提取.提取信息类型为明显植被、非阴影区、阴影区和阴影区植被.
This paper mainly discusses extraction of shadow area vegetation information of Kunming City Circular Road No. 2 with high resolution 1 : 1000 DMC aerial image Aug. to Nov. 2005. The method applys with index of NDVI or NCIVI to extracting vegetation infomation which are utilized to make a mask to distinguish it from original image, make a new mask to extract shadow area of the image and vegetation information of shadow area based on bayesian supervised classification. Types of extraction's information from obvious vegetation、bright area、shadow area and vegetation in shadow area.
Journal of Yunnan Minzu University:Natural Sciences Edition